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Re: A Netscape bug?

Benjamin Tomhave wrote:
> Hi All!
> I've been hesitant to post this as I am not yet sure if the problem is
> localized to my site, or if it has been happening elsewhere.  I have sent
> several messages to Netscape support and received no response.  Due to an
> increase in the occurrance of the problem, I am deciding to post here with
> the hope that somebody else has encountered this problem as well.  So,
> without further delay, let me explain the nature of the problem.
> I've made an effort to install Win32s 1.30c on all our machines that won't
> be hurt by it more than helped.  This includes all our pentiums which are
> running a minimum of 8MB RAM.  We are standardized with Windows for
> Workgroups 3.11 on all our PCs.  When the beta versions of Netscape 2
> started coming out, I started seeing a weird "thing."  At first, it was
> only on one computer.  Every time you open Netscape, a message window
> opens with Netscape as the title, a yellow circle with an exclamation
> point on the left, and an OK button in the middle.  No text.  No
> explanation.  Just a message window.  You click on OK, and then Netscape

Yeah, i occasionally see that OK-box come up on our network at school
(a community college) but haven't seen it lately.  I'm not the 
network administrator so i have very little idea what the variables
are here.


        Orrin C. Winton             orrin@redshift.com
        <A href=mailto:orrin@redshift.com></a><br>

    "Two of the gravest general dangers to survival are the desire
     for comfort and a passive outlook." -- U.S. Army Ranger Handbook
